You may have heard of Godly Play which is a way of working with children and/or adults, which includes telling a Bible story with small figures, so people are drawn into the story. They are then invited to wonder, with questions to which there are no right answers, eg 'I wonder which part of the story you liked the best?' So, together the group explores the story and share their ideas. This is then followed by a Response time, in which people are invited to draw or write or retell the story for the selves. This is just for them, so their response is not shared, but for them to keep.
I have used Godly Play for over 20 years, and love it! Some aspects of it have crept into our Experience sessions – particularly the wondering questions. So now, we'd like to offer Godly Play to you. We have a room in which the Godly Play resources are stored, and which is ideal for children to come to for a morning, listen to and watch a story, engage in the wondering and make their own response.
You may be interested as a worship leader or preacher, and wonder how to cope with All Age Worship. We used Godly Play in a service yesterday with people of all ages, where the GP story took the place of the Bible reading and the wondering questions replaced the sermon, and everyone had space to make their own response – whether thinking, drawing, writing etc
We have organised a Godly Play Taster Day for 14th Sept, 10am – 4.00pm, at High Street and we hope that you'd like to come. The flier is attached and on it details of how to book a place. Places are limited so please don't leave booking till next month!
01608 656768
West Oxfordshire Methodist Circuit
Chipping Norton Methodist Church
West Street
Chipping Norton