We are a very warm and welcoming Church.
Before the Service there is a time to Pray.
The Monday lunch club
Open most Mondays, having lunch together between 12 till 1:00pm, bring your own food & poetry. If you would like any more information, please contact Linden on07789 892760.
Singing for Fun
8pm on most Tuesdays, words provided, cost £5.00 per session. Money raised will be shared between the Church and one other selected charity.
For any other events see fliers and posters in the usual places.
The Chosen
19:30 on 1st Wednesday of each month we show another episode of the Chosen, a TV dramatisation of Jesus' life and ministry. We serve a cuppa & a dunker afterwards as we chat. It's free and all ages are welcome.
Bible Study with BEMA podcasts
19:30 on the 3rd Thursday of each month we listen to a couple of American Christians talk about sections of the Bible, helping us to understand the culture, language and history of the text. It's free and all are welcome. You get a cuppa & a dunker too as we chat about it afterwards.
Last Updated 28 Nov 2023.
West Oxfordshire Methodist Circuit
Chipping Norton Methodist Church
West Street
Chipping Norton