Sonia Duraturo, Chaplain Lead at the High Street Methodist Church, Witney, oversees an ecumenical team of 18 Town Chaplains from 5 churches across the town. She holds an MA in Christian Mission.
I was born and raised in London where the path of the world allured me away from the Christian path my parents set me on. I wanted to become rich and famous, do anything I had been prohibited from doing, and die a happy old lady!
While teaching English in Tuscany, I met my now husband, Massimo, my "Italian Beau," and we both ran hard from God – but although we thought we were "happy," unanswered questions about life made us feel unfulfilled and lost. Then, in 2004, Massimo had a dream that changed the whole course of our lives. He had a prophetic dream of the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami – God left no room to contemplate coincidence – He was clearly in touch. We left our life of sin and came running to the mercy seat!
Today, we are two "sold-out for Christ" followers, deeply grateful for Christ's saving grace, and blessed with two little people, Dolce age 9 and De'angelo age 11. We have dedicated this lifetime to knowing Him more and more, loving the broken, and staying focused on the Kingdom that is to come.
West Oxfordshire Methodist Circuit
Chipping Norton Methodist Church
West Street
Chipping Norton