We are a congregation of all ages who meet every week at 10.30 on Sunday mornings and at 6.00 on some Sunday evenings to worship God and encourage each other in discipleship. We are a missional church who actively support our local community.
Our morning worship usually includes songs, drama, power points, DVDs and interaction as well as a message/sermon. Children move to their own activities during the service.
Our Circuit evening service is a more traditional Methodist service. On first Sunday we are the venue for Circuit "Hosting God's Presence" – a reflective service, a time of praise, prayer, testimony and encouragement.
We have a large car park on site and the building is fully accessible for the less able.
We look forward to seeing you very soon – you are most welcome.
House-group meet on Monday evenings. We enjoy fellowship as we study God's word together, support one another in prayer and offer practical help as we are able.
Prayer meetings (Connecting with God) is on 1st Saturday morning of the month "at home" and we join together on Zoom on 1st and 3rd Wednesday evenings at 8pm
Sunday School meets every Sunday morning in a safe and comfortable environment.
Rendezvous (Coffee, cake and chat) is held every Wednesday morning from 10.00 – 11.30am. From November through March we are a WARM SPACE for all, from 10.00am till 2.00pm, including hot lunch/snack. No charge.
Rendezvous 2 (Sunday lunch) is offered on the 1st Sunday most months at 12.45pm.
Girls Brigade meet every Friday at 6pm (term time only) – a Christian uniformed organisation for girls from 5 years upwards.
You can find more information at our website https://www.davroadchurch.co.uk or at our Facebook page
Updated 19 Dec 2023
West Oxfordshire Methodist Circuit
Chipping Norton Methodist Church
West Street
Chipping Norton