Long Hanborough Chapel was built in 1895. For many years it has been, and still is, the centre of the village. We work closely with the other Methodist chapels in the Section, Stonesfield, Charlbury and particularly Sutton, which is a 'Class' of Hanborough and for which we have administrative oversight. We have close links with our Anglican friends and share joint services and activities with them. We are a lively church and our congregation is of mixed ages, with Junior Church held every Sunday alongside the normal services. The congregation takes seriously its responsibility to witness for Christ in the village and outreach to all.
Every Friday in term-time, the successful Cornerstone Coffee Shop warmly welcomes a broad mix of customers from any faith, or denomination, or none. It is an excellent outreach to the community.
The Chapel houses various activity groups. The local ballet classes, exercise class and village choir meet in the church hall.
"Our vision is to be a community filled with the Holy Spirit, led by God, active in worship, prayer and study, sharing the love of Christ within the world."
West Oxfordshire Methodist Circuit
Chipping Norton Methodist Church
West Street
Chipping Norton