The Church opened for Worship in July 1867, after the first Church built in 1827, was deemed too small for a growing congregation! It was eventually sold in 1999.
The present Church stands close by in the older part of the village, surrounded by Stonesfield Slated cottages, its interior refurbished in 1998. The steeply pitched roof can be seen rising when entering the village from the south.
A grand pipe organ arrived in 1966, previously in Spelsbury Parish Church. Organists are always welcome.
The Sunday Morning Service begin at 11am. The Minister of the Church leads a Holy Communion Service once a month. Details for all Services, preachers and events can be found in the local newsletter, 'The Stonesfield Slate.' and also on the website.
The Church supports two Methodist charities, 'All we can' and 'Action for Children', and others as needs arise.
This Church is here to welcome all people, a place where God's presence and love is shared together, its mission is to serve Him as He so graciously serves us. Here is found, warm friendship and support on life's journey of faith.
Updated 18 Dec 2023.
West Oxfordshire Methodist Circuit
Chipping Norton Methodist Church
West Street
Chipping Norton