The foundations of this Chapel were laid in September 1891 by a group of Methodist Trustees who were meeting in the disused workhouse at Weald and which included members of the Early family of Witney.
The building was completed and opened on the 25th March 1892 and members have worshipped here ever since.
Membership fell in the 1960's to the extent that it was thought closure was necessary. However, owing to the tenacity (some would say obstinacy) of a local farmer, the chapel was greatly supported and closure was strongly resisted. This paid dividends in the 1970's when the congregation once more increased.
In the mid 1990's the present membership started looking at the possibility of adding an annexe to the rear of the Chapel. It was planned to increase the facilities and further enhance the weekly drop-in lunch area for some of the older members of the village and surrounding community.
After considerable fund raising this came to fruition when a local architect and firm of builders were engaged in 2008/2009 to build the annexe as it can be seen today.
West Oxfordshire Methodist Circuit
Chipping Norton Methodist Church
West Street
Chipping Norton