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Stonesfield's Outreach to the Village

Big picture...

A lovely building, a rare and underused space, a fellowship keen to reach out to the people around them whose hearts are full of love and acceptance based on their living relationship with God – an awesome combination!

What we are planning...

Create a leaflet inviting everyone in the village to come to a free drop in tea and cake-fest
Open the chapel and fill it with (cake and) members ready to talk with those who come to share ideas for working together
Flesh out some of the ideas and get cracking on making them happen


Sunday 16 July 150th Anniversary celebration
Thursday 6 July @ 19:30 – meet to review the feedback and plan next steps
Saturday 17 June @ 10:00 – 16:00 – chapel open to welcome visitors and start the conversations
Wednesday 7 June @ 19:30 – meet to discuss the logistics of the open day
Sunday 4 June @ 14:00 – leaflet the village
(see the leafleting team as we set off)
end of May...get leaflet copy finalised and photocopied so it can be delivered to every home
Thursday 4 May @ 7:30 – flesh out the leaflet copy and disuss the logistics
Thursday 27 April @ 7:30 – initial enthusiastic meeting :-)

You can read about how this came about in our blog


The leaflet had been prepared by the team at Stonesfield and now awaits photocopying and delivery – can you help us deliver it? Come to the chapel at 14:00 on Sunday 4th of June and be part of a great act of risk-taking, self-giving witness and love

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Registered Charity No. 1134159

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‭01608 656768‬

West Oxfordshire Methodist Circuit
Chipping Norton Methodist Church
West Street
Chipping Norton

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